New rule for myself with regard to this new series. When listening to music, or just happening past the display by chance and catching a nice composition of images, I'm tempted to take a quick snap to reference.
Instead, I'm making it a rule that the composition has to be strong enough to stick in my memory long enough to recompose the images.
AppleTV hooked up to main display, and the screensaver is set to randomly pull images from my 1750+ image Flickr account. The screensaver setting is "origami" and either displays one image on the screen or it picks and assortment to arrange. Usually between 2 and 5 images at the most.
Every now and then, I'll look over and see images it chose to put together and go, "Oh wow! That's a really nice combo. I should make a note of that and sometime I'll do an ongoing series of them.
Noticed this combination of my images "Ganga Dream" and "Heaven's Gate"
This #6 offering in the series is called, "By Chance Series 6: Ganga Heaven" © 2015 Skip Hunt
The meditating Hindu pilgrim was in Varanasi, India. The translucent fabric with sky showing through was made in Magnolia, Texas
6: Ganga Heaven
"By Chance Series 6: Ganga Heaven" © 2015 Skip Hunt